Design of Dyslexia Action’s Awards 2013
This November sees the return of the hugely successful Dyslexia Action Awards dinner. After PRE designing the last 2 years’ event items, Dyslexia Action have again asked PRE to be involved. This year we’re highlighting the statistic of 1 in 10 – the number of those in the UK affected by literacy or learning difficulties. Using this as a basis, PRE created the identity for this year’s event including marketing materials and brochure . As well as these, there will be items for the evening itself, such as auction listings, signage and seating plans. We very much look forward to designing more items as the big night approaches. Also recently completed is Dyslexia Action’s main printed product catalogue which we’ll be able to show very soon. If you’d like to find out more about Dyslexia Action’s work, then visit their website >
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